2021 Washington Way, Longview, WA 98632
CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. December 8 after church at 10:30 AM we will be having our annual silent auction and bake sale. You can bake something, make something, put together a basket, or invite your family and friends. We will have food, fellowship, and fun. Proceeds will go towards Christian Concerns. ANNUAL REPORTS Annual reports are due by Friday, January 3. Please e-mail to by this date. It does not have to be in a Word document or anything fancy, simply typing in an e-mail works great. CHRISTMAS We will be having our annual candlelit Christmas Eve service on Tuesday, December 24th at 5PM. The office will be closed on December 25th and 27th for the holiday.
OFFERING ENVELOPES Offering envelopes are now available, you may pick yours up in the narthex. LADIES GATHERINGS December 8 at 1:30PM in the church library the ladies of Trinity will be having a cookie exchange. All ladies including friends of the church are invited. Would like to suggest bringing 3 dozen cookies to exchange. They don’t need to be homemade (And maybe some caroling). We would like to hear from the women of Trinity what other activities you would like to see offered in the coming year. Please contact either Cynthia Dall, or Chris Otanez with your ideas.
SOCIAL MINISTRIES The grocery bags are coming back with your generous donations. The people at Help Warehouse are very grateful. We will continue to collect food items through December. Thank you so much for your support. We will start the new year by supporting the women’s shelter. There is a list of needs in the narthex. Merry Christmas & blessed New Year.                                         -Social Ministries  BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE. For many, Christmas is a difficult time of the year.  We feel that we should be happy, but happiness difficult to find.   The reality of loved ones no longer with us, those who find themselves alone, and those with lost dreams, a Blue Christmas service can offer some healing and hope. The idea behind the Blue Christmas service is to create space for the
acknowledgment of the heaviness often carried during this season, as well as offering the hope that Jesus gives. Come join us for this intimate service here at Trinity on December 18 at 7:00 pm. THANK YOU FROM FAMILY PROMISE Trinity Lutheran, Thank you for purchasing a table, supplying cookies, and attending our bingo event! We hope you had fun and we look forward to next year’s event! Thank you! - Family Promise Staff OTHER DATES TO REMEMBER. . . 12/10 at 7pm – Worship & Music Meeting
2021 Washington Way, Longview, WA 98632
CHRISTMAS BAZAAR. December 8 after church at 10:30 AM we will be having our annual silent auction and bake sale. You can bake something, make something, put together a basket, or invite your family and friends. We will have food, fellowship, and fun. Proceeds will go towards Christian Concerns. ANNUAL REPORTS Annual reports are due by Friday, January 3. Please e-mail to by this date. It does not have to be in a Word document or anything fancy, simply typing in an e-mail works great. CHRISTMAS We will be having our annual candlelit Christmas Eve service on Tuesday, December 24th at 5PM. The office will be closed on December 25th and 27th for the holiday. OFFERING ENVELOPES Offering envelopes are now available, you may pick yours up in the narthex. LADIES GATHERINGS December 8 at 1:30PM in the church library the ladies of Trinity will be having a cookie exchange. All ladies including friends of the church are invited. Would like to suggest bringing 3 dozen cookies to exchange. They don’t need to be homemade (And maybe some caroling). We would like to hear from the women of Trinity what other activities you would like to see offered in the coming year. Please contact either Cynthia Dall, or Chris Otanez with your ideas. SOCIAL MINISTRIES The grocery bags are coming back with your generous donations. The people at Help Warehouse are very grateful. We will continue to collect food items through December. Thank you so much for your support. We will start the new year by supporting the women’s shelter. There is a list of needs in the narthex. Merry Christmas & blessed New Year. -Social Ministries BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE. For many, Christmas is a difficult time of the year. We feel that we should be happy, but happiness difficult to find. The reality of loved ones no longer with us, those who find themselves alone, and those with lost dreams, a Blue Christmas service can offer some healing and hope. The idea behind the Blue Christmas service is to create space for the acknowledgment of the heaviness often carried during this season, as well as offering the hope that Jesus gives. Come join us for this intimate service here at Trinity on December 18 at 7:00 pm. THANK YOU FROM FAMILY PROMISE Trinity Lutheran, Thank you for purchasing a table, supplying cookies, and attending our bingo event! We hope you had fun and we look forward to next year’s event! Thank you! -Family Promise Staff OTHER DATES TO REMEMBER. . . 12/10 at 7pm – Worship & Music Meeting